The Village Administrative Offices are located at 122 East Pike Street in Jackson Center to the East of the United States Post Office. This building houses the offices of the Village Administrator, Village
Fiscal Officer, Village Utility Clerk, Zoning Enforcement Officer/Economic Development Professional, Police Chief and Council Chambers.
This is also where residents come to sign up for utilities, pay their utility bills, purchase village trash bags, obtain zoning permit applications and other village information. The Administrative Offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Village Office is closed on the following Holidays so that employees may spend time with their families:
New Years Day
Independence Day
Day After Thanksgiving
New Years Eve Closes at Noon
Good Friday
Labor Day
Christmas Eve Closes at Noon
Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Village Administrator
Zoning Enforcement Officer
Economic Development Director
Fiscal Officer
Utility Clerk
Administrative Clerk
All Rights Reserved | Village of Jackson Center
Site by: Midnet Media