Street Superintendent
The Street Department is responsible for maintaining and reparing village streets, sidewalks, curb and gutters and storm water catch basins. This crew also maintains the village park and pool grounds in the spring and summer.
In the winter village crews salt and plow the village streets with each storm. You can assist the crews by moving your vehicle(s) off the street. It is difficult to get the plows down the street when there are vehicles parked on each side, especially in caldesacs and narrow streets.
When you clear your driveway, stack the shoveled snow to the right side of your driveway to reduce the amount of snow plowed in front of your driveway. Do not shovel snow into the street.
The snow removal priority is to make sure that each street is plowed once and then clean off the downtown and school areas. Once this is accomplished, crews will be back out to clean streets a second time
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