The Village of Jackson Center is pleased to offer you a new way to pay your monthly utility bill that saves you both time and money. No need to stand in line to pay, to write checks or make a trip to our office! With the Direct Pay program, you can now pay your utility bill each month by automatic deduction from your bank account.


When you sign up for the Village of Jackson Center Direct Pay, your utility bill is automatically paid directly from your bank account. With Direct Pay, your bill is paid on time. It is free, fast and easy.


To begin enjoying this convenience is as easy as 1-2-3! 

  1. Complete and sign the PDF fillable enrollment form.
  2. Attach a voided check (for checking accounts) or a deposit slip (for savings accounts) corresponding to the account that you would like debited each month. 
  3. Return the Utility Direct Payment Authorization Form and a voided check (for checking accounts) or a deposit slip (for savings accounts) to:

Village of Jackson Center 122 E Pike Street
PO Box 819
Jackson Center, Ohio 45334

Continue to pay your monthly bill as you normally would until you see the words “Direct Pay” printed on your bill. The deduction should begin with the next bill calculation which is on the 25th of the month. 


You will continue to receive a monthly bill. The Village will send your monthly bill as always showing the usual billing information, as well as the amount of the payment that will be automatically deducted from your bank account on the payment due date (15th of the month or the last business day before the due date). 

You will have time to review your bill and ask questions before the amount owed is deducted from your account. If you dispute any charges on your utility bill, you must call the Village of Jackson Center Utility Clerk at least one (1) week in advance of your due date to prevent being charged the full amount.

Who is eligible to take part in in the Direct Pay Program?

Direct Pay is open to all residential and business customers. Your village utility account must have no past due amounts on the account and include a history of no more than one returned check within the last 12-month period.

How much does it cost?

Participation in Direct Pay is free!

What happens in the event of a rejected payment?

Payments may be rejected by your financial institution because of insufficient funds, closed/unauthorized accounts or other reasons. Check with your financial institution for any fee it may impose. If your payment is rejected, the Village will charge a $30.00 processing fee. This is the same fee charged for a returned check. The Village reserves the right to notify and terminate your participation in the Direct Pay Program if your payment is rejected at least once within a consecutive 12-month period.

What if I want to cancel the direct payment authorization?

You may cancel your participation at any time. Simply notify us in writing regarding the cancellation.

You may cancel your enrollment in Direct Pay by sending a written request to cancel to:

Village of Jackson Center
122 E Pike Street
PO Box 819
Jackson Center, Ohio 45334

Please allow one month to process your request to end participation in the program.

If I don’t sign up right now, will I be able to enroll later?

Yes, you can download your own form from the Village website at or call us at 937-596-6314 and request a Utility Direct Payment Authorization Form be mailed to you. 

What if I change banks, accounts or I move?

It is critical that you immediately notify the Village regarding any changes (bank account information, address, etc.). You can download your own form from the village website at or call us at 937-596-6314 and request a new Utility Direct Payment Authorization Form be mailed to you. Simply complete and return this new authorization form and include a voided check (for checking accounts) or a deposit slip (for savings accounts). 

Inaccurate information may result in payments being refused by your financial institution. The Village cannot be responsible for losses, including late penalties applied to your account, which result from inaccurate information or failure to provide timely notification of changes.

If you move, a new Utility Direct Payment Authorization Form is required due to a change in utility accounts.

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